Friday, November 11, 2011

See's Blueberry Truffle

I must have eaten one of these around this time of year because over the last fews days I have been craving it! But not being able to eat dairy or sugar I guess I will just have to hold on to the memories:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cooked Raisins

Last night out of nowhere... like it usually happens... I got this strong craving for cooked raisins. Something about their plumpiness and sweetness. Not really like a raisin in a cookie, but more like how they turn out boiled in oatmeal or cooked in a tamales:)

Too bad I don't have any raisins!


Every day I have a new random craving and I'm not even expecting!! I thought it would be funny to note it down. A little random collection of thoughts I guess:)